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Sunbury Retro Racers.jpg

Sunbury BMX Club offers an Open age Retro Racing class at it's club meets. It is free to enter if you are already registered in another class. If you are considering racing or purchasing a bike for retro racing here are some basic rules with photos so you can meet the requirements . 

Please note that same rules apply to Nationals and some other states but they also include a 30 year old/era correct rule. This means that the bike has to be manufactured approx 30 years ago, we do not have this rule in Victoria which makes competing less complicated

Basic rules and pictures below.

Threaded fork

Thread stem.jpg

Flat Pedals


Screw on sprocket


1 inch quill stem

bolt on stem.jpg

Single Bolt mounted brake

single bolt brakes.jpg

Knobby style tyre's

nobby tyres.jpg

If you would like to get into retro racing and have any questions please don't hesitate to ask at registration next time your at a club meet.

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